When we are able to release the limitations that have been put on us by others, or ourself, it is a huge step! Acknowledging these ideas/beliefs and letting them go, makes room for me to explore my creativity even more. Letting go, allows me to create without judgement of myself and my creation, and ENJOY the process.

Creative Affirmation

I release any and all limiting beliefs about my ability to create.

A few quiet ways these limit beliefs can present themselves in internal dialogue:

“That’s a fun new color combo… it is too much fun?”

“I love this shape… has it already been done?”

“I’m inspired to make this log cabin quilt, but I found someone else doing almost the exact same thing. I don’t want them to think I copied them.”

“My points don’t match, I should just start over.”

“My guild wasn’t as excited as I thought they would be about my new quilt top. Maybe it’s not as great as I thought?”

I’m sure as you read these there are more examples in your mind. We tend to get bogged down in these sorts of thoughts instead I want you to release them and think better thoughts. About yourself, your creativity, and whatever you happen to be working on. There’s no reason for doubt or uncertainty to creep into your thoughts when you are in your creative flow. Instead choose to think empowering thoughts that encourage you to continue to create.

Retraining your brain to be positive when it has only known negative thoughts can be a process, but little changes day to day will start to make big changes. Keep going!

xo – Amy

Quilt Details:

Rooftop Wonders
