We’ve talked a lot about creative energy over the last 11 months, and how it shows up, all the time. What about the days that don’t feel creative? I challenge you to consider again that your creativity doesn’t turn off. While you may not think of the following things as your creativity, your creative mind is making decisions and solving problems all the time.

For example:

  • cooking dinner so that all the dishes are done at once
  • mapping out the most efficient order to get errands done around town
  • or, organizing your morning to squeeze in some sewing time

Creative Affirmation

Creative energy flows through me all the time.

When it comes to our creative energy it doesn’t have an off switch, it is constantly flowing. The more you recognize and acknowledge it, the more it grows. Creative energy can be applied to all areas of life, and when making a color or design decision for a project, the answer is quick and simple. No need to deliberate, or feel uncertain – you know the direction to go.

Repeating this affirmation, helps confirm what is already true. Creative energy is a constant flow, and can be relied upon in all areas of our lives.

xo – Amy

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From my book – Think BigÂ