Bold colors, simple seams, and a managable size are all part of my personal self-expression in my quilts. How are you expressing yourself in your quilt making practice? Soft and gentle, bold and bright or a mix of everything, perhaps? There’s so many details and decisions in each and every quilt that we make and your unique creative voice is evident in every one. Even when making for someone else!

Creative Affirmation

I translate life into art and express myself through my creativity.

Having this creative outlet to explore myself and translate the world around me, has been so beneficial to me over the years. AND it just keeps getting better too! Exploring simple shapes in all the different blocks that I’ve made, exploring color through fabric collections like the one shown above, or solids that I select reveals more and more of me in my quilts.

Are you leaning into your creativity?

One of my favorite things as a pattern designer is watching people reimagine the quilt in their own fabric choices. Making my pattern unique with their creative perspective. Seeing your creativity at work, exploring, and trying is always my goal. By making simple patterns it is easier for many to do exactly this.

Imagine if all of our quilts looked the same. No way!

If there’s a point that you consistent feel stuck in your self-expression – let me know in the comments. I would love to help you past this!

xo – Amy

Quilt details:

Dayhike Pattern

Bright Eyes by Anna Maria Horner

Pieced and quilted by me.