Constantly increasing. I love the idea of my creativity growing, and affirming it to be true is so empowering! The little plus shapes in my images represent the constantly increasing creativity and each new idea that forms. It’s also one of my favorite shapes to sew tiny – those small blocks finish at just 3″!

Creative Affirmation

My creativity is constantly increasing.

Acknowledging my creativity is one step in the right direction of growing creativity. When I make the time to be creative and allow for those ideas to flow they seem to come exponentially. Have you noticed that? One idea seems to lead to two others, and each creates two more. These little plus blocks have inspired at least three favorite patterned projects over the years. I made The Comfort Quilt for Modern Heritage Quilts, Positivity, and Plus One all from one piece of inspiration. And I’m pretty sure I’m not done yet!

I hope that this week you will confirm your creativity and allow for opportunities for your creativity to grow and flourish. Affirm constant growth and pursue your dreams.

Xo – Amy

Quilt details:

Comfort Quilt

The pattern is found in my book Modern Heritage Quilts

Pieced and quilted by me

Made with a scrappy mix of fabrics.