Knowing that my creativity is an infinite well and truly understanding it, are slightly different. Building up a creative muscle and truly understanding the depths of my creativity can take some time. Repeating the affirmation with conviction can be the boost you need to gain understanding in your creative life.

Creative Affirmation

My creativity is infinite.

Trusting the depth of creativity within you takes practice. There are so many negative influences in our creative lives, including our own inner critics. Turning that inner critic OFF and trusting your creativity is the part that takes practice. Shutting down the negative chatter in our minds will go a long way to trusting the creativity within.

Replace negative thoughts with empowering ones.

I’m not sure about those colors together, becomes, my color choices are fresh and exciting.

The points don’t match as well as I would like, becomes, I’ve learned so much making this quilt and I’m excited to apply it to the next one!

My quilting is not great, becomes, I love exploring quilting on my machine, and it looks better every day!

Adjusting our thoughts, and believing in the infinite creativity within will turn up the creative juices every day!

Check out more Creative Affirmations here.

xo – Amy

Quilt Details:

Dart in a mix of Bella Solids

The Dart pattern is available here. 

Quilt-along videos are available here.