Actively looking for your next big creative ideas, might actually be pushing it away. In essence, you may be putting too much energy into wanting instead of working with the ideas in front of you. I know there are times when working on a specific goal, that I might try to push through for a new idea. Being open and receptive to new ideas as they come, is what this week’s affirmation is about.

Creative affirmation 

Ideas come to me in both expected and unexpected ways.

The expected

Ideas are often inspired by the creative work I’m already doing. Designing a pattern, sketching a new quilt block, or even as I’m sewing. I often find myself in a meditative state while sewing and find ideas easily come. 

The unexpected

While out for a walk, observing nature. Swimming or in the shower. Driving around town, focused on anything other than my next creative idea. Cooking dinner for my family, or looking through photos on my phone. Even during dreamtime overnight, or just relaxing on the couch. 

If I am open to new ideas they can pop up just about anywhere! Taking a moment to record these seemingly “random” ideas can be the challenge, as I’m not usually near a sketchbook. But if they are a solid idea they usually won’t leave me alone. It will pop up again in a different moment and often at a better time to make note of it. 

Repeat this affirmation throughout the week to open yourself up to more creative ideas in your day.

xo – Amy

Quilt Details:


Pieced and quilted by me.

Made with Moda Crossweave and Bella Solids

The Maverick pattern is available here