Authenticity over perfection – every time. Being true to myself and what I create regardless of the outcome is essential. This is also very freeing in the creative process and allows for more creativity to flow within me. Perfection is stifling, and unnecessary – let it go, and create with your authentic perspective and interpretations.

Creative Affirmation

I choose authenticity over perfection.

A few examples of what authenticity looks like:

  • pulling fabrics for a project that make you smile every time you look at them.
  • using the thread color that really sings, even though it is not what most would select for quilting.
  • adjusting a pattern to better suit your quilt vision.
  • letting the points match up as they may in the block and quilt top construction.
  • all of the above without a thought of the judgment of others.

Being free to combine colors and be creative with patterns without judging them, or being worried about what others will think. Allows the creativity to flow freely. Admittedly this takes practice and repeated effort, but it is definitely a great effort to make. Giving grace to yourself and the process of releasing judgment will allow for more creativity to flow as you create.

If your authentic voice/perspective has been buried, starting with a small project that you love is the perfect way to begin sharing your authentic self!

xo – Amy

Quilt Details:

Frolic in Wanderlust

Easy quilts to sew include Frolic

Frolic Pattern